Welcome to the The Perilous World Of Chat web site.
Welcome to this web site, I hope after you read this that you are more aware of the dangers of the chat rooms, what are the dangers of chat room talk you may ask. There are many dangers as you will find out when you check the links on this page which will hopefully give you an idea of the basics of chat. After spending time in the chat rooms, I have noticed how sly some chatters are, ranging from being very rude to cyber pedophiles, too downright cyber rapists, why do I say that. It's simple would you put up with it in the "outside world" I think not so why put up with it in the chat rooms.
I hear the argument it's only a chat, and you can turn it off if you don't like it, but why let someone ruin the experience of chatting to a wide diversity of people, we all deserve protection or at least know what to do about people that are only there to get their thrills from abusing others or cyber raping as I call it.
Then there is the sweet charmer, which you will get to know, the smiles and you are sweet talk, they are the worst of the lot, cause they play with your mind they make you feel special, and once they have you that way they will try and coax you into a private chat room, what are the warning signs, well for a cyber pedophile. The things to watch out for is, what age groups does he talk to. Do you notice that a majority of the time he will only speak to 12 - 14 yo girls in the chat and if there isn't any does he talk to anyone or does he suddenly talk when a 12 - 14 yo walks in.
Why do you ask that nothing is done about it, well in the first case the 12-14 yo girls won't tell their parents cause they know that they will be banned from talking in the chat room and that's precisely why the cyber pedophiles do it, but with help from others in the chat room, yes their are pple in there that can help. But for it to stop completely the young ones need to step up and shout he's a cyber pedophile and make them realize they ain't going to get anywhere and copy and paste what that person was saying to you to a text file, within this site you can E-mail it to the given address and a log will be made and posted with your permission of cause, and I can change your name i.e., 128.45.00:ms x, as well I can take the ip out as well so you won't get recognize, but its you that has to cut and paste the text to a text file, with your help maybe we can stop them.
The no1 rule of chat is don't ever give your ph no: out on the net, even in a private chat room. Get to know the person first as you never know that person might have mental problems and could stalk you. The following links are provided to help you and is very informative in awareness and basic guidelines of chat. Other links will lead you to help lines if you are a victim of chat abuse. As well as that there will be links to other chat rooms. So I hope this is helpful to you oh and yeah soon there will be a link to a post of one cyber pedophile maybe you know him.
Information on how to stop people abusing you while chatting.
 If you are being abused, the information here will be helpful to you.
This next section is on how you can protect yourself from hacking and how to find out what the chatabusers internet provider is. To find out what internet provider the chat abuser is click the following link http://samspade.org/t/.
Once there you will see the address digger, enter the I.P. number in the box provided, and make sure the 3 small boxes next to it is ticked then click on do stuff. From there you should be given the I.P. and the address of where the I.P provider is and usually their email addie, forward on what you have logged on to them and wait for their reply.
Another form of Chat Abuser is the well known Hacker, they usually just send nukes to your computer causing you to crash, to avoid this happening to you. You can download a firewall which will stop them from hacking into your computer. To download zonealarm firewall one of the best free downloads to protect your computer click on this link http://www.zonelabs.com/ once there you should see free download click on that and follow the instructions. Once downloaded you can have piece of mind that you can't be crashed or hacked.
Another form of protection is to surf on a proxy I.P. for that go to this link http://www.surfola.com/ once there click on surf as a guest or become a member of surfola.